5 Best Fly Repellents to Keep Your Patio Pest-Free in 2023

Tired of pesky disease-carrying flies invading your patio as soon as the weather warms up? Don’t let these annoying pests ruin your outdoor living space this summer. With the right fly repellent, you can create a pest-free zone to lounge, dine, and entertain on your patio in peace. We reviewed the top-rated fly deterrents for 2023 to help you find the best options for banishing flies from your patio and yard. Keep reading for the top 5 fly repellents that really work to take back control of your outdoor oasis.

Table of Contents

5 Best Fly Repellents For Patios in 2023

Why You Need a Fly Repellent For Your Patio

As soon as the weather starts warming up, you want to spend as much time as possible enjoying your patio. Unfortunately, when you head outside, you quickly realize you have some uninvited guests joining you – flies! These pesky insects can totally ruin your outdoor living space and even present health hazards. Here’s a closer look at why flies on your patio can be a major problem and how the right repellent can help.

Flies Spread Diseases

Flies may be irritating, but they can also spread serious diseases by carrying pathogens on their bodies and appendages. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flies transmit diseases such as:

  • Salmonella – Causes serious food poisoning symptoms like fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. There are over 2,000 cases reported each year in the U.S.
  • E. coli – Severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Shigellosis – Intense stomach pain, bloody diarrhea, and fever.
  • Cholera – Watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and even death without treatment. Rare in the U.S. but a major risk in developing countries.
  • Typhoid Fever – High fever, weakness, stomach pain, headache, and loss of appetite. Rare in the U.S. but common in developing countries.
  • Dysentery – Abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and mucus, fever, and vomiting.
  • Ophthalmia – Inflammation of the eye that can damage your vision.
  • Tapeworms – Can grow up to 30 feet long in your intestines.

Flies transmit disease when they land on feces, garbage, or rotten food. They pick up bacteria and viruses on their legs and mouthparts. Then when they land on your food, the pathogens get transferred and can make you sick if ingested.

No one wants to deal with painful gastrointestinal distress or serious conditions while trying to enjoy their patio and outdoor living space. Properly using fly repellents is crucial to disrupting the disease transmission cycle.

Flies Can Contaminate Food

Along with spreading pathogens, flies also directly contaminate food and drinks with their own secretions, vomit, and feces. Gross!

Flies frequently feed on rotten, decaying matter full of bacteria. When they come in contact with your food, they can deposit millions of germs on it that can cause foodborne illnesses.

According to researcher Graczyk, “A single fly can carry more than 300 pathogens on its body and over 1 million bacteria on its feet.”

Some of the serious diseases flies can transmit through food contamination include E. coli, Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Flies can fit through extremely small cracks and crevices to reach your patio and outdoor kitchen area. Once there, they can get into food sitting out unattended even just for a few minutes. Their explosive reproductive cycle makes it easy for just a couple flies to turn into dozens almost overnight.

Using an effective fly repellent will dissuade these filthy pests from congregating on your patio and landing on your food. This greatly reduces the risk of ingesting their vomit and waste along with your meal.

Flies Are a Nuisance

Forget about enjoying your patio with flies constantly buzzing around your head trying to land on you! These bugs are not just gross and dangerous, they’re super annoying.

Some of the ways flies can ruin your patio time include:

  • Constantly flying in your face and personal space
  • Trying to crawl on your food right as you’re about to eat
  • Getting tangled in your hair
  • Buzzing loudly in your ear
  • Biting you to harvest sweat and blood
  • Swarming dropped food or drinks
  • Disturbing your sleep on the patio at night

Dealing with just one or two flies is irritating enough. During the peak summer months, you may find yourself battling dozens or even hundreds of flies every time you step outside. It’s impossible to fully relax and enjoy your patio with a horde of flies dive-bombing your personal space!

Once flies descend, they are notoriously difficult to control. Swatting a few by hand will not do much when there are hundreds more waiting to take their place. Fly paper or inexpensive traps also only catch a small portion of the total population.

Repellents are the most effective way to keep flies at bay before they have a chance to bother you. Establishing the protective barrier will allow you to reclaim your patio and not have to hide indoors to avoid flies. A few spritzes or a simple diffuser is a small price to pay for hours of uninterrupted outdoor enjoyment.

Take Back Your Patio with Fly Repellents

Flies are more than a nuisance – they spread serious diseases, contaminate food, and generally ruin your outdoor living space. A quality fly repellent tailored to patio use is the most reliable way to deter these pests.

With the right preventative measures, you can spend all summer relaxing on your patio rather than battling fly infestations. Be sure to take time and carefully select the right type of repellent for your needs. A few smart precautions will allow you to fully enjoy your yard again.

Here are some key points to remember about flies on your patio:

  • Carry pathogens that cause dangerous gastrointestinal illnesses
  • Directly contaminate food and drinks by vomiting and defecating
  • Extremely annoying and disruptive trying to land on you
  • Reproduce rapidly making infestations hard to control
  • Best managed proactively with repellents before they arrive

Spending time outdoors on your patio should be a pleasant experience. Don’t let hordes of flies ruin your summer and become a health hazard. Take back control of your space with an effective fly repellent solution.

How to Choose the Best Fly Repellent For Your Patio

You head out to your patio ready to relax and enjoy the nice weather. But as soon as you open the door, you’re bombarded by flies looking to share the space with you. Dealing with these uninvited pests is no way to spend your outdoor leisure time. The good news is that with the right fly repellent, you can take back control of your patio.

There are lots of fly deterrent products available that all claim to be the best. But how do you know which one is right for your needs? Here are the key factors to consider when selecting an effective fly repellent for your patio and outdoor areas.

Type of Repellent

The first decision is whether you want a repellent spray, trap, candle/diffuser or other format. Each has pros and cons to evaluate.


Insect repellent sprays are a very popular choice for patios. They allow you to quickly and easily apply a protective coating over a designated area. Some of the benefits of repellent sprays include:

  • Convenience – Just point and spray wherever flies tend to gather.
  • Adjustable coverage – Apply to a small table space or over your entire patio.
  • Portability – Small bottles are easy to carry or fit in a patio cabinet.
  • Varied active ingredients – Formulas contain DEET, plant oils, or other repellents.
  • Affordability – Many effective patio sprays are under $10.

Be aware that outdoor sprays do require reapplication every few hours as the protective barrier breaks down. And windy conditions can also dissipate the repellent more quickly.


Fly traps lure insects in and capture them, immediately reducing the number of pests in your patio area. Here are some features of different trap types:

  • Bait traps – Use food, water or pheromones to lure flies into a container.
  • Zapper traps – Attract flies to an electrical grid that instantly zaps them.
  • Glue traps – Flies get stuck to a sticky board and can’t escape.
  • Manual traps – Funnels or cones let flies in but not out.

Traps must be cleaned out and maintained for optimal performance. But they provide ongoing control without frequent reapplication needed for sprays.

Candles & Diffusers

Candles or essential oil diffusers that emit repellent fragrances offer another chemical-free deterrent option. Benefits include:

  • No skin contact – Repels flies without direct application on body.
  • Pleasant scents – Citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus and other natural fragrances smell fresh.
  • Subtle and decorative – Candles and diffusers blend into patio decor.
  • Whole area coverage – Fragrances permeate the entire patio space.
  • Low maintenance – Replace candle or top up diffuser oil every few weeks.

The major drawback is that fragrances dissipate quickly outdoors, requiring candles/diffusers to be placed every 8-10 feet for adequate coverage.

Fans & Screens

For a non-chemical option, portable fans or screens create a physical barrier to repel flies.

  • Safe and non-toxic – Does not introduce any chemical substances.
  • Provides shade – Well-placed screens can block sun and flies.
  • Creates cooling airflow – Bonus breeze keeps patio cooler.
  • Various installation options – Free-standing, mounted, or fitted to railings.

Fans and screens only protect the immediate area where they’re set up. And they can be bulky compared to other solutions. But they are an ideal pick for families with young kids or pets.

Active Ingredients

Once you’ve decided on a format, look at the specific active repellent ingredients used. Common options include:

  • DEET – The most widely used chemical repellent. Lasts up to 8 hours with once daily reapplication. Avoid high concentrations.
  • Picaridin – Odorless synthetic repellent. Very effective and gentle on surfaces.
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus – Plant-based oil provides protection similar to low concentration DEET.
  • Citronella oil – Derived from lemongrass plants. Has strong scent some find unpleasant.
  • Cedarwood, peppermint or lemongrass oils – Various essential oils with repellent properties.

Make sure all chemical ingredients are EPA-registered for use against flies and mosquitoes. Research any warnings for children or pregnant women.

Coverage Area

Consider the size of your patio and outdoor living space when selecting a repellent. Is it a small condo balcony or a sprawling multi-level deck?

For larger areas, choose:

  • Sprays that hook up to a hose for broadcast application
  • Multiple fan/screen units
  • Traps or fragrances designed for maximum square footage

On tiny patios, compact solutions make the most sense:

  • Small portable traps
  • Clip-on fragrances
  • Sprays with a straw for pinpoint spraying

Getting the right coverage ensures flies are adequately deterred without waste or overapplication of products.

Duration of Effectiveness

Outdoor repellents won’t last forever before breaking down. Make sure to note the stated duration on labels and reapply accordingly.

Sprays last anywhere from a few hours up to a week if they contain residual or extended release ingredients. Reapply daily or whenever you notice flies returning.

Traps are effective for weeks to months before cleaning/replacement is required. Bait needs to be changed regularly.

Fragrances from candles or diffusers typically provide 2-4 hours of protection. Windy conditions will dissipate scent faster.

Fans and screens offer continuous protection when switched on or setup. May require repositioning to account for moving sun/shade patterns.

Ideally, choose patio fly repellents that provide at least several hours of protection per application so it’s not constantly required.

Safety Considerations

Make sure to evaluate repellent safety, especially if you have children or pets who share the patio.

Avoid hazardous chemicals – Stay away from any ingredients like pyrethrins that could trigger asthma attacks.

Use kid-safe formulas – Many brands offer a ​“Family” version tailored to children over 2.

Review pet toxicity – Essential oils in particular can be dangerous for cats and dogs if ingested.

Follow label directions – Adhere strictly to guidance like keeping away from eyes, nose, and mouths.

Store safely – Place any sprays/chemicals securely out of reach of kids when not in use.

A few common sense precautions will let you employ fly repellents worry-free as you enjoy your outdoor living space together.

Putting It All Together

Selecting the ideal fly repellent product for your patio depends on many factors. Keep these key considerations in mind:

  • Repellent format – Sprays, traps, fragrances all have pros and cons to weigh. Choose the best fit for your needs.
  • Active ingredients – Seek out effective, EPA-registered components like DEET, Picaridin or plant oils.
  • Coverage area – Match treatment capacity to patio size so no areas are missed.
  • Duration – Reapply solutions regularly based on stated effectiveness period.
  • Safety – Follow guidance to avoid hazards, especially for children and pets.

With some strategic shopping, you’re sure to find just the right fly deterrent. Be sure to:

  • Measure your exact patio dimensions
  • Note if you’ll need multiple units for full coverage
  • Select weather-resistant solutions that won’t wash away easily
  • Compare active ingredients to find what best repels flies in your area
  • Factor in safety considerations for your family/pets

Taking a few minutes to research the various products available will ensure you choose the optimal fly repellent for your needs. With the ideal solution in place, you can finally reclaim your patio from the swarms of flies looking to take over.

Here are some final tips for picking the best fly repellent for your patio:

  • Check that sprays connect to a hose if treating a large area
  • Note maintenance required – bait refills, cleaning traps, etc.
  • Make sure traps and candles/diffusers are rated for outdoor use
  • Choose portable, compact solutions if patio space is limited
  • See how frequently reapplication is needed for adequate protection

Don’t settle for living with hordes of annoying disease-carrying flies on your patio. Take control by selecting the right type of repellent tailored specifically to your space. With flies deterred, you can go back to enjoying your beautiful outdoor oasis once again.

5 Top-Rated Fly Repellents For Patios

You want to enjoy your beautiful patio without being attacked by disease-carrying flies. The good news is that with the right preventative measures, you can take back control and send those pesky flies packing!

Here are 5 top-rated fly repellents specially designed to create a pest-free oasis on your patio and outdoor living spaces:

1. Cutter Backyard Bug Control Spray

Cutter Backyard Bug Control

Key Features:

  • Kills and repels mosquitoes plus 110+ other insect pests
  • Water-based spray won’t stain or damage surfaces
  • Features bifenthrin for residual protection up to 12 weeks
  • Attaches to garden hose for easy whole-yard coverage
  • Works on lawns, gardens, patios and other outdoor areas

This powerful insecticide spray from Cutter provides up to 3 months of pest protection with just one application. The formula knocks down and kills mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and other annoying bugs on contact.

According to the manufacturer, it combines two proven repellents – cyfluthrin for fast knockdown and bifenthrin for lasting residual effects. The combo keeps new pests from taking up residence even as old ones are eliminated.

Reviewers say Cutter’s spray worked like magic to clear out swarms of flies that had invaded their patios and outdoor kitchens. The attached hose sprayer makes treating large areas fast and easy. Just note it is toxic to fish and bees when wet, so use carefully around ponds.

2. Thermacell Patio Shield Zones Mosquito Repeller

Key Features:

  • Creates 15′ x 15’ fly-free zone
  • No sprays, candles or mess
  • Silent, odorless operation
  • Cordless and portable
  • Lasts up to 12 hours per fuel cartridge

This clever device from Thermacell heats patented repellent mats to emit an odorless zone of protection from flies and mosquitoes. Users say it’s like having an “invisible force field” around your patio furnishings.

To operate, simply insert a mat and turn on the device. Thermacell says you’ll enjoy up to 12 hours of uninterrupted relaxation in your new pest-free bubble. The formula uses allethrin, a synthetic version of natural mosquito-repelling compounds found in chrysanthemum flowers.

Homeowners report the patio shield worked wonders keeping flies away during backyard BBQs and evening cocktails outdoors. The portable design lets you move it around your space as needed. Refill cartridges provide 48 hours of protection for about $10.

3. DynaTrap Insect Trap

Key Features:

  • Dual attractants – UV light & simulated human breath
  • Whisper-quiet fan sucks in and traps flying insects
  • No zapping or messy cards/glue boards
  • 1 acre coverage
  • Maintenance-free continuous operation

This iconic mosquito trap from DynaTrap employs two clever lures – UV light and a patented attractant that mimics carbon dioxide in human breath. The combo irresistibly pulls in flying pests from all directions.

A whisper-quiet vacuum fan then sucks the unsuspecting flies and mosquitoes into a retaining cage away from patio guests. Reviewers call the DynaTrap an “absolute game-changer” for taming swarms of flies that used to descend on their decks and patios.

The unit runs continuously without batteries or power. Its 1 acre coverage and low profile design make it ideal for discreet placement during patio parties. Emptying the catch basket weekly keeps the trap going strong all season long.

4. Summitt Responsible Solutions Mosquito Dunks

Key Features:

  • Kills mosquito larvae for 30+ days
  • Biodegradable formula safe for pets, plants and wildlife
  • Each dunk treats 100 sq. feet of surface water
  • Convenient tablet form requires no spraying
  • Prevents new mosquitoes from hatching

These ingenious dunks leverage bacteria to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle at the source. Simply drop one into any standing water – birdbaths, flowerpots, rain barrels, etc. – to create a larvicide zone.

Summitt says one dunk will provide a 30-day fly protection barrier across a 100 sq. ft. area of water. By stopping larvae from maturing, you prevent new generations of mosquitoes from reaching your patio.

Many happy customers report “significantly fewer bites” after placing dunks in soggy areas of their yards and gardens. They like that the tablets are pet/kid-safe and eco-friendly when used as directed. Less mosquito breeding means fewer flies to swat later on!

5. Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap Concentrate

Key Features:

  • Made from biodegradable fatty acids derived from plants
  • Kills on contact but gentle enough for most plants
  • Mix with water and apply with spray bottle or sprayer
  • Treats listed insect pests at all life stages
  • Can be used up to day of harvest on edible plants

For a chemical-free fly control option safe around kids and pets, Safer Brand Insect Killing Soap is a longtime gardener favorite. The active ingredient comes from the fatty acids found in vegetable oil.

When mixed as directed and sprayed directly on flies, it penetrates their outer membranes and causes dehydration. Reviewers say it may take a few applications, but the soap quickly eliminated flies congregating on their patio tomatoes and other container plants.

As a bonus, the soap can multitask as a foliar fertilizer for your garden. Just rinse any residue off edible plants and vegetables before eating. With safe ingredients and no strong odor, this is an ideal natural fly solution for patio container gardens and greenhouses.

Relax Pest-Free on Your Patio

Don’t let annoying disease-carrying flies stop you from enjoying your beautiful patio and outdoor living space. These top-rated fly repellents will send those pests packing so you can relax outside in peace.

Key points to remember:

  • Seek long-lasting sprays that kill and repel flies for up to 3 months
  • Try convenient traps that lure flies in then capture them away from you
  • Look for odorless and silent solutions like Thermacell’s no-mess barriers
  • Stop larvae from hatching into flies in the first place with Mosquito Dunks
  • For chemical-free and non-toxic options, plant-based soaps work with multiple applications

Take back your patio with the perfect fly repellent for your needs! Be sure to assess your space, issues and usage preferences to find the best match. With the right fly deterrent in place, you’ll be relaxing, entertaining and enjoying your outdoor living area again in no time.

DIY Fly Repellents For Patios

Store-bought fly repellents can be pricey and full of harsh chemicals. Luckily, there are also many safe, natural DIY options you can whip up at home. These homemade fly deterrents will help clear your patio without breaking the bank or endangering your family and pets.

Let’s look at four effective DIY methods for ridding your patio of pesky flies:

1. Fan and Screen Method

A simple box fan paired with a fiberglass screen can create a physical fly deterrent for your patio seating area. The gentle breeze from the fan blows flies away, while the screen acts as a protective barrier.

What You’ll Need:

  • Box fan or other portable fan
  • Fiberglass insect screen, slightly larger than fan size
  • Heavy duty tape
  • Scissors

How To:

  1. Cut screen to size, leaving a 2-3″ border around edges.
  2. Tape the edges securely to fan grill, creating a screen window.
  3. Place on patio table or counter and turn onto low speed.

Aim the breeze so it flows over patio seating space. The screen will stop incoming flies while the fan pushes back any circling your area. Get creative and mount multiple units around your patio!

2. Essential Oil Sprays

Certain essential oils naturally deter flies thanks to their strong scent. Combine oils with water in a spray bottle to create a DIY fly repellent for your patio furnishings and tables.

What You’ll Need:

  • Spray bottle
  • Essential oils (lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus, etc.)
  • Water
  • Mixing bowl

How To:

  1. Choose your oils – lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint work well.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of each oil to mixing bowl with 1 cup water.
  3. Transfer to spray bottle. Shake well before each use.
  4. Lightly spray patio furniture, umbrella and other areas flies land.

The strong aroma of the oils overwhelms flies’ senses and causes them to avoid treated areas. Reapply every few hours as the scent fades.

3. Herbal Smudge Sticks

Burning dried herbs like sage has been used for centuries to repel insects. The smoke is unpleasant and overpowering to flies but relaxing for humans. You can easily make smudge sticks for your patio on the cheap.

What You’ll Need:

  • Dried herbs – sage, lavender, rosemary, cedar, etc.
  • Twine or string
  • Scissors
  • Lighter or matches
  • Heat-safe bowl (optional)

How To:

  1. Take a handful of dried herbs and wrap tightly together with twine, leaving ends open.
  2. Trim wrap if needed so bundle is 4-6 inches long.
  3. Ignite one end of the smudge stick and let it burn slowly.
  4. Blow out any flames so it smolders.Wave stick to spread smoke around patio.
  5. Place in bowl if desired to catch falling ash.
  6. Relight and repeat process as needed.

The relaxation of a smoldering smudge stick is a natural fly repellent. Let the aroma fill the air while you fill your lungs!

4. Fly Paper

Though somewhat unsightly, basic fly paper remains an effective DIY option. The sticky glue traps draw in flies and immediately immobilizes them upon landing.

What You’ll Need:

  • Roll of fly paper

How To:

  1. Cut strips of fly paper approximately 5-6 inches long.
  2. Hang strips individually around patio ceiling, rafters, etc. Space them every 3-4 feet.
  3. Position over seating areas, food prep spaces and other fly hot spots.
  4. Replace strips weekly or whenever covered in trapped flies.

Fly paper won’t repel flies but it will capture many of them before they have a chance to bother you. Just be sure to place strips out of direct reach to avoid accidentally brushing against them!

Enjoy Your Pest-Free Palace

With these easy DIY solutions, you can rid your patio of those annoying flies without spending lots of money. Natural ingredients like essential oils, herbs, fans, and screens create simple and safe fly deterrents:

  • Make a screen box fan to repel incoming flies
  • Mix up plant-based repellent sprays you can spray anywhere
  • Burn sage, cedar or other smudge sticks to drive flies away
  • Put up inexpensive fly paper strips to catch flies before they land

Before you know it, your patio will transform into a fly-free oasis perfect for dining, sunbathing and relaxing. Never let those pests ruin your outdoor living space again with these clever homemade remedies.

How To Use Fly Repellents Safely on Your Patio

Fly repellents make it possible to fully enjoy your outdoor living space again. But anytime you use pest deterrents, it’s crucial to follow proper precautions. Taking a few safety measures will allow you to reap the benefits of a fly-free patio without putting your family or pets at risk.

Here are some key guidelines for safely using fly repellents outdoors:

Follow Label Instructions

First and foremost, always carefully read and adhere to the label directions on any fly repellent product. This is the manufacturer’s official guidance for proper usage based on extensive product testing.

Some important label instructions to follow include:

  • Application method – Spray nozzle settings, space between traps, etc. This ensures repellents work effectively as designed.
  • Dosage – How much spray per square foot, number of dunks per water tank, etc. Improper dosing can reduce results or even damage plants.
  • Reapplication rate – Such as reapplying spray every 4 hours. Sticking to this prevents gaps in protection.
  • Weather cautions – Such as avoiding spraying right before rain. This prevents the product washing away too quickly.
  • Storage requirements – Such as keeping sprays away from extreme heat. Follows guidelines to maintain product integrity.

Never use fly repellents in ways contradictory to the label. This could lead to health or environmental risks while also reducing the product’s effectiveness.

Consider Pet and Child Safety

Certain chemicals or essential oils used in fly repellents could be hazardous to kids and pets if used improperly. Take the following precautions:

  • Review all ingredients and cautions – Some repellents warn to keep away from cats.
  • Note age limits – DEET concentrations over 10% often have minimum ages.
  • Follow pet guidelines – Take care spraying around fish ponds for example.
  • Treat areas well before use – Give sprayresidues time to fully dry.
  • minimizing contact – Spot treat furniture versus wide spread spraying around play areas.
  • Supervise use – Don’t allow children or pets access until application is complete.
  • Wait the recommended re-entry period before allowing access to treated spaces.

Taking a few simple steps will allow you to benefit from fly repellents while keeping risks to a minimum for children and animals.

Avoid Contaminating Food or Drinks

One major concern with fly repellents is the potential to inadvertently get the chemicals or oils in your food or beverages. Take these precautions:

  • Never directly spray tables or prep areas where food is placed.
  • Wait until any spray residues have fully dried before serving food or drinks.
  • Avoid placing traps directly over seating areas to prevent drips.
  • Use fragrances upwind from eating spaces whenever possible.
  • Keep prep areas covered when not in use.
  • Wash any fruits/veggies from garden before consumption.

You want flies gone from your patio, not extra chemicals in your summer cocktails and cookout menus! A bit of care when spraying or placing traps minimizes any contamination risks.

Properly Store After Use

Like any household chemicals, fly repellents need to be stored safely, especially with kids and pets around. Follow these guidelines:

  • Place all repellents in locked cabinets or up on high shelves when not in use.
  • Keep products in original labeled containers to avoid mixups or mistakes.
  • Never transfer spray to beverage containers someone could inadvertently drink from.
  • Discard empty containers according to label directions to avoid reuse.
  • Keep traps away from food prep areas during storage.
  • Store companion attractants like octenol bait separately and securely.

Proper storage keeps repellents working their best and most importantly prevents accidental exposure. Make safe storage habits part of your regular patio maintenance routine.

Enjoy Peace of Mind Along with Protection

Reading and following all label instructions gives you the fly protection you desire while also using products in the safest manner possible. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Stick closely to all usage directions provided.
  • Research and limit risks to children and pets.
  • Take steps to avoid contaminating consumables.
  • Always store repellents securely after use.

Employing a few cautionary measures lets you breathe easy knowing your family and pets are not being put at risk. You’ll be able to relax on your patio confident you’re safely repelling flies, not introducing new dangers. Here’s to many pest-free evenings spent lounging outdoors!

When to Call a Pest Control Professional for Fly Problems

Dealing with the occasional fly on your patio is expected during the warmer months. But sometimes an infestation gets truly out of control, requiring professional-grade products and expertise. Knowing when to call in backup ensures you eradicate fly invasions as quickly and safely as possible.

Here are signs it’s time to bring in the pros:

Severe Infestation

A handful of flies buzzing around is annoying enough. But a true infestation of dozens or even hundreds of flies signals it’s time for professional treatment.

Signs you’ve gone beyond the scope of DIY fly control include:

  • Swarms of flies clustered on surfaces whenever food is present
  • Constantly needing to shoo flies away from faces
  • Visibly seeing flies crawling on food prep areas
  • Counting multiple fly bites after time spent on the patio
  • Finding flies emerging from indoor drains or vents connected to patio
  • Discovering fly larva around patio plants or water sources

Left unchecked, fly populations grow exponentially. Don’t wait until flies have completely claimed your patio – severe infestations require powerful professional-grade insecticides and knowledgeable treatment.

Persistent Issue Despite Your Efforts

You’ve tried all the standard DIY tricks – fly paper, vinegar traps, fanning yourself constantly – but still flies descend whenever you step outside. This frustrating persistence is another sign it’s time to call in an expert.

Some indicators your fly problem requires professional treatment:

  • DIY remedies only provide temporary relief for a few hours
  • Traps fill up quickly with flies but swarms return just as fast
  • Multiple applications of sprays have minimal lasting impact
  • Flies continue crawling on and around you relentlessly
  • Neighboring patios seem fly-free while yours remains a hot spot

If flies scoff at your homemade repellents and keep coming back with a vengeance, something in the underlying environment is sustaining the infestation. Professionals have the tools and knowledge to fully identify and resolve the source.

Unsure of the Extent of the Problem

You know you have flies on your patio. But where are they coming from? And how far has the infestation spread?

Signs a pest control investigation could be warranted include:

  • Flies suddenly started appearing but no obvious source
  • Finding flies in unusual placed like upper walls or closed cabinets
  • Also noticing flies inside the home near patio access points
  • Swarms disappear at night and reemerge same time next day
  • Unsure if nearby properties are contributing to problem
  • Suspect flies are breeding in hard to access areas like wall voids

Professional technicians have specialized equipment to pinpoint fly infestation sources not visible to the naked eye. Their insights allow for targeted treatments of the root issues.

Need Help Selecting Proper Products

With the wide array of fly repellents and insecticides on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to select the right remedies for your situation. Signs you could benefit from an expert recommendation:

  • Dealing with a mix of flies and other patio pests like wasps or spiders
  • Unsure which products are pet/child safe for your space
  • Want residual protection but have plants and fish ponds
  • Need large volume treatments for a commercial-sized space
  • Have no idea where to even start with products

Reputable pest pros know which solutions will be most effective based on the nuances of your unique infestation and property. Take advantage of their extensive experience guiding customers to the ideal fly control remedies meeting all your needs.

Don’t Delay Dealing with Persistent Fly Problems

Fly infestations only grow worse over time without aggressive treatment. Addressing issues early improves your chances of eliminating flies simply and efficiently.

Schedule a pest pro assessment if:

  • Swarms are rapidly multiplying
  • DIY options failed to resolve the issue
  • You are unsure of root causes or optimal products
  • Flies are spreading inside from outdoor access points

Beating a fly invasion requires attacking it from every angle. A customized professional treatment plan can provide the layered protection needed to fully reclaim your fly-free patio once and for all!

Frequently Asked Questions About Fly Repellents for Patios

You want to make the most of patio season without being pestered by flies. A quality fly repellent can help you reclaim your outdoor space. But you likely still have some questions about selecting and using these products correctly.

Let’s review answers to some of the most common FAQs about fly control for patios:

Q1: How long do fly repellents last?

This depends on the specific product:

  • Sprays generally provide 2-8 hours of protection that gradually decreases over time. Reapplication is needed to maintain the protective barrier.
  • Traps are effective for 2-4 weeks before cleaning is required. Bait and adhesive boards need regular changing.
  • Fragrances from candles or essential oils only repel for 2-4 hours. Windy conditions dissipate scents faster.
  • Fans must run continuously whenever outdoors. Reposition occasionally to account for moving sunlight.
  • Residual sprays claim up to 3 months of prevention but are not safe for patios.

To enjoy ongoing protection, opt for long-lasting traps supplemented with sprays for occasional use when entertaining outdoors.

Q2: Where should I place fly repellents on my patio?

Ideally, position fly deterrents near known problem areas and fly “hot spots” on your patio. These include:

  • Under the table or on the food prep counter
  • By patio doorways and access points
  • Near any water sources, plants or compost piles
  • On or near surfaces where flies frequently land
  • Around patio perimeter to stop incoming flies

Avoid directly placing traps above seating, play areas or areas used actively when possible. Target fly congregation and entry points for the optimal setup.

Q3: Are citronella candles effective?

Citronella candles contain oils from the citronella plant. According to studies, candles provide roughly 2 hours of fly protection within a 3-5 foot radius. This makes them ideal for repelling flies directly around patio tabletops.

For larger coverage, place candles strategically every 8-10 feet around the entire patio. Avoid areas right off dining spaces to prevent food contamination. Extinguish candles before going inside for safety.

While not a standalone solution, citronella candles make a great supplemental repellent when hosting patio gatherings at dusk when flies come out.

Q4: What natural options work for outdoor flies?

If you want to avoid chemicals, some of the most effective natural fly deterrents include:

  • Citronella, eucalyptus or lemon essential oils – Repels flies using aromas on contact
  • Apple cider vinegar – Lure trap overwhelms fly senses so they drown
  • Herbs like lavender, mint, lemongrass – Unpleasant natural scents repel flies
  • Carnivorous plants – Eat flies as living fly traps!
  • Screened fans – Physically blow flies away from patio spaces

Go au naturel by strategically using plants, fragrances and screens that work with the outdoor elements. Avoid attractants like open compost piles.

Q5: How often should fly traps be emptied?

Regularly emptying debris and waste is critical for effective fly traps. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Empty electric traps weekly to prevent clogs and keep the fan working efficiently.
  • Change sticky glue boards when fully covered in trapped flies (typically every 2-4 weeks).
  • Check water-based traps daily and empty any dead flies – replace bait/water regularly.
  • Replace bait inside bait traps every 2-4 days as flies consume and contaminate it.

Following the manufacturer’s guidance for cleaning and maintenance will ensure your traps keep working at full capacity to reduce flies on the patio all season long.

Enjoy Your Pest-Free Patio!

Equipped with the right knowledge, you can shop for fly repellents confidently and use them safely on your patio all summer. Keep these key tips in mind:

  • Reapply sprays every 2-8 hours for ongoing protection
  • Position traps and fragrances near fly congregation hot spots
  • Use citronella candles for temporary 2 hour protection boosts
  • Empty traps regularly so they keep working effectively
  • Natural options like oils and screens deter flies without chemicals

Here’s to relaxing on your patio again free of annoying disease-carrying flies! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Key Takeaways on Fly Repellents for Patios

Looking forward to summertime patio lounging? Don’t let pesky flies ruin your outdoor fun. With the right fly repellent products, you can send those pests packing.

Here are the key takeaways on protecting your patio from flies:

  • Flies spread disease and contaminate food outdoors. It’s crucial to control them.
  • Effective repellents come in sprays, traps, candles, and electric or fan formats.
  • DEET, eucalyptus, and citronella oil repel flies safely using smells they dislike.
  • Position repellents near furniture, doors, and known fly hangouts for best results.
  • For a natural chemical-free option, essential oil sprays and screens work well.
  • Follow all label safety guidelines, especially with kids and pets outside.
  • Call a pest pro for severe infestations too advanced for DIY remedies.
  • Regularly clean traps and change baits to keep lures effective.
  • Reapply sprays every few hours to maintain your protective barrier.
  • At the first sign of flies, take action to prevent exponential population growth.

With the right prevention plan, flies don’t stand a chance against your patio paradise. Try combining several deterrents like traps and repellent candles for the strongest protection.

Here’s to relaxing summer evenings spent outdoors free of buzzing and biting! Let us know if you have any other fly control questions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fly Repellents for Patios

Considering using a fly repellent treatment this patio season? Here are answers to some of the most common FAQs to help you get started:

What is the most effective fly repellent for patios?

According to pest control experts, DEET repellents provide the longest-lasting fly protection at up to 8 hours with one application. Oil of lemon eucalyptus also effectively repels flies.

How long do fly repellents last outdoors?

Outdoor repellent duration depends on the product:

  • Sprays = 2 to 8 hours
  • Candles/oils = 2 to 4 hours
  • Traps = 2 to 4 weeks before cleaning
  • Fans = Ongoing while running

Where should I place fly repellents on my patio?

Focus on entryways, under furniture, around perimeter, and other fly “hot spots.” Avoid directly above food prep and seating areas.

Are citronella candles good for repelling flies?

Yes, citronella candles provide roughly 2 hours of repellency in a 3 to 5 foot radius, making them perfect for patio tables.

What natural fly repellents work best?

Top natural options include citronella oil, eucalyptus, essential oils, apple cider vinegar traps, carnivorous plants, herbs like mint/lavender, and fans with screens.

How often should I empty fly traps?

Empty debris from electric and glue traps weekly. Replace bait and water in water-based traps daily. Follow manufacturer guidance for optimal performance.

Can I use fly repellent sprays on my patio plants?

It depends on the product. Many patio sprays contain chemicals that could damage plants. Always check the label guidelines before spraying near vegetation.

Are fly repellents safe for pets?

Most repellents are pet-safe when label directions are followed, but keep animals away during application. Essential oils can be toxic if ingested.

When should I call an exterminator for fly issues?

If you have a severe infestation, persistent flies despite DIY efforts, or are unsure of root causes, professional help may be needed.

What’s the difference between repelling and killing flies?

Repellents keep flies away, while insecticides actually kill them. For patios, repellents are recommended as a safer preventative option.

How can I keep flies away while entertaining on my patio?

Use fans, screens, and essential oil sprays in key areas. Have plenty of citronella candles lit. Remove food debris promptly and position traps discreetly.

We hope these tips help you tackle flies on your patio this summer. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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